Selected COVID-19 statistics translated in English by the National Board of Health and Welfare

As part of its work to support research and dissemination of information about the coronavirus pandemic, the National Board of Health and Welfare has now translated a selection of its statistics in English.

The majority of the statistics produced by The National Board of Health and Welfare is based on administrative registers. The central sources for statistics regarding COVID-19 is primarily the Patient Register and the Cause of Death Register. Examples of statistics available in English are:

  • Statistics on number of COVID-19 deaths.
  • Statistics on COVID-19 among the elderly by form of housing.
  • Statistics on COVID-19 among persons with residential arrangements according to LSS (the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments, 1993:387).
  • Hospitalisation times for patients with COVID-19.


The National Board of Health and Welfare’s selection of translated stastistics on COVID-19 can be found here (in English).

The National Board of Health and Welfare’s full stastistics on COVID-19 can be found here (in Swedish).


Publicerat den 11 juni 2020


Uppdaterad den 11 juni 2020