The National Board of Health and Welfare could prioritise orders related to research on Covid-19

The National Board of Health and Welfare’s Registerservice announces that orders related to research on Covid-19 may be given priority. If the word Covid-19 is included in the project title, Registeservice handle the order as soon as it reaches them.

If the word Covid-19 is not included in the project title, you need to send an email to the Registrservice as soon as you have received your case number. Otherwise, place the order in the same way as usual. Registeservice also accepts requests from the National Patient Register

for research projects and statistics already one or two months after the reference month. However, Registeservice warns that the data made available will be partially incomplete. Above all, there is a high probability that diagnostic codes for parts of the material are missing. Therefore, there will be regional differences in quality in the data made available. Full data in the National Patient Register is estimated to be three months after the reported period.


More information on codning related to Covid-19 is available here (in Swedish).

Registerservice at the National Board of Health and Welfare (in Swedish)

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Published on 14 May 2020


Updated on 19 May 2020