New user manual for metadata tool RUT
Register Utiliser Tool, RUT, is a tool for searching, evaluating and analysing the content of Swedish registers and biobank sample collections at variable level. The Swedish Research Council has now produced a new version, in Swedish, of the user manual in order to facilitate the use of the tool.
Download the new version of the user manual (in Swedish only)
The information is in the form of metadata, and individual measurements and personal data are therefore not visible. Today there are a number of registers and sample collections connected to RUT, and more are added continuously.
With the help of RUT it is possible to create a list of variables that are relevant to a particular research question. Such a variable list could form part of the documentation for both ethical review and request for access to micro data, but it does not currently replace the register holders’ existing procedures for applying for register data disclosure.
Read more about Register Utiliser Tool, RUT
List of registers and sample collections connected to RUT