The Swedish Research Council is responsible for this website. We want as many people as possible to be able to use the website. Here we describe how complies with the law governing accessibility to digital public services, any known accessibility problems, and how to report problems to us so that we can correct them.

How accessible is the website?

We are aware that parts of the website are not fully accessible. For further information, please see the section below on content that is not accessible.

What can you do if you cannot use parts of the website?

If you need content from that is not accessible to you, but is excluded from the law’s area of application according to the description below, then please contact us as follows:

Report accessibility problems on the website

We are constantly striving to improve the accessibility of the website. If you discover problems that are not described on this page, or if you think that we do not comply with the requirements of the law, then please notify us to let us know the problem exists. [länk till formulär på på]


The Agency for Digital Government is responsible for supervising the Swedish law governing accessibility to digital public services (Lag (2018:1937) om tillgänglighet till digital offentlig service). If you are not satisfied with how we handle your comments, you can contact the Agency for Digital Government to let them know.

Content that is not accessible

This website does comply in part with the law governing accessibility to digital public services, due to the problems described below.

Non-compliance with the legal requirements

Problem with personal text settings

  • The appearance of the web page is affected if the user has their own settings for text, such as line spacing and font size. [WCAG 1.4.12 (AA)] and [WCAG 1.4.4 (AA)]

Problems when using with no vision

  • The page foot has openable menus, which are not shown by some screen reader tools. [WCAG 4.1.1 (A)]

Links on the website

  • Links on the website do not function consistently. On some pages, all links that lead to other websites open in a new window in the browser. Links at the page foot and links to pages on the website open in the same window. [WCAG 2.4.4 (A), WCAG 3.2.3 (AA)]


  • There are some older documents (published before 23 September 2019) on the website that are not adapted for accessibility.


  • Older films lack subtitles and visual interpretation, and do not have a separate descriptive text. [WCAG 1.2.2 (A), WCAG 1.2.3 (A), WCAG 1.2.5 (AA)]

How we tested the website

The Swedish Research Council asked an external actor to carry out an independent review of The review scrutinised a number of representative pages and important features. The review was delivered in the form of a report on 09 January 2019. The Swedish Research Council tasked another external actor to make corrections. This actor made and reviewed the corrections, and delivered them on 05 November 2019. Ahead of the delivery of these corrections, the Swedish Research Council also carried out its own testing.

The main reasons why accessibility problems still remain on are that the problems are either of a type that requires major resources to correct, or of a type that we do not yet know how best to correct.

It is our ambition to have corrected all known accessibility problems no later than 31 December 2021.

New features and other factors that can create accessibility problems are reviewed continuously by the Swedish Research Council.

The website was published in May 2018.

The accessibility report was updated most recently on 06 May 2020.

Published on 28 August 2020


Updated on 27 November 2024