Statistics on covid-19 compiled at Statistics Sweden and the National Board of Health and Welfare

As part of their work to support research and dissemination of information about the corona pandemic, Statistics Sweden and the National Board of Health and Welfare have compiled statistics related to the corona virus and COVID-19.

Examples of statistics compiled by Statistics Sweden are:

  • death rate
  • sales statistics
  • the effect of the corona pandemic on inflation
  • how healthcare workers are getting to work

The National Board of Health and Welfare has statistics on, for example:

  • vulnerable groups at risk of severe symptoms related to the coronavirus and COVID-19
  • number of people living in special accommodation
  • number of deaths per week 2015-2020.


Statistics Sweden’s data on COVID-19 can be found here (in Swedish).

The National Board of Health and Welfare’s stastistics on COVID-19 can be found here (in Swedish).



Published on 28 April 2020


Updated on 28 April 2020